You already have everything you need to raise a healthy, happy, intelligent child Parenting today is practically a competitive sport, and marketers are all too happy to cash in. Scare tactics and scientific-sounding jargon make it seem like parents are in constant danger of hard-wiring their children's brains for failure. In fact, this state of parental anxiety is totally unnecessary--and possibly bad for our children. Babies are born with an appetite to learn.
Children are naturally curious about the world and eager to explore it. They don't need flashcards, educational videos, or the latest iPad app to help speed their development. Attempts to get children speaking and reading before they're developmentally ready may even harm them in the long run.
Grounded in the latest science by a nationally recognized child development expert, The Intuitive Parent arms parents and caregivers with the confidence and knowledge they need to quit worrying and enjoy the time they have with their child--no fancy gadgets or pricey videos necessary.